Tips for Preparing Your Heating System for Winter

With summer coming to a close, it’s time to prepare for the upcoming cooler months! Sadly, that means packing away your swimsuit, T-shirt, shorts, and replacing them with clothing for those brutal winter months. And it’s not just layers of clothing you’ll have to prepare – the heating system deserves attention as well.

Let’s just admit it, when it comes to preparing for the cold, you don’t take any chances with a broken heating system. No, that’s a sure recipe for disaster looming ahead. Instead, give yourself peace of mind by getting ahead of the game! Follow these best practices to prepare for the months ahead.

Detecting Issues With The Thermostat

The thermostat stat acts as a communicator to your heater. If there is any malfunction between the two, they won’t be able to reach your desired temperature. This may sound silly, but the first step is definitely a no-brainer, check the thermostat.

Make sure your thermostat is set at the right temperature instead of assuming there’s a problem with the actual heater. You’ll be surprised how many people overlook this simple step.

This can be as simple as checking the batteries to ensure they’re not in need of replacing and cycling your system on and off. If your heating system is still not working as it should, then there may be an issue beyond the thermostat.

Circuit Breaker Could Be To Blame

Now that you’ve established there’s nothing wrong with the thermostat, you can then examine if there are any issues with components of the heater. One thing to look at is the circuit breaker. The circuit breaker is designed to help protect from excessive electric overload. Here are some common signs to look for in cases of a damaged circuit breaker:

  • A burning smell in the electrical panel.
  • The heater doesn’t reset.
  • The circuit breakers look old.
  • Your breaker is constantly flipping.
  • There is flickering power in your home.

While the circuit breaker plays an important role in your home, it should never be a DIY fix. An issue with your breaker panel can impact the entire home, leaving you with more issues beyond faulty heating systems.

Check For a Blown Fuse

If the breakers look good and the one for your heating system is flipping into the on position, another issue to look at would be your fuses. Fuses are designed to burn out to protect your heater from overheating. A blown fuse is easy to find, with some of the more common signs of damage including:

  • Burns: Burns can be located on the panel.
  • Wiring: Be sure to check out the wires and ensure they’re not burned or damaged.
  • Glass: An off-color glass is another sure-fire sign your fuse may be blown out.

If you suspect your fuse is blown out, it’s time to start thinking about replacing it.

Quality Heating Services Are Key

In the end, even though it may seem a bit too early, we all need to prepare for the brutal winter months ahead by checking the heating system in our own homes. Be sure to check out both the thermostat and the heater for any signs of damage or misuse. Catching these problems early on can save you a lot of hassle down the road.

We hoped this helped! Follow these simple tips to ensure a safe and warm winter season. If you find any unresolvable problems, feel free to reach out to us at Nice Heating and Air, and we’ll do our best to resolve any issues at hand.