3 Gas Fireplace Conversion Lessons You Can Benefit From Today

A gas fireplace represents a major investment in your home, and the process of buying and installing one can seem an intimidating prospect. But it doesn’t need to be. Here, we’ve put together three gas fireplace conversion lessons that you can benefit from today. With these tips in mind, the procedure should become much simpler and more transparent.

You Will Learn In Depth Why These Are Important Lessons

  • Measure properly
  • Get the right permits
  • Make sure you have gas lines

Lesson #1 why measure properly

The first vital thing to remember is to accurately measure both your gas fireplace and the space you want to put it. There will be disastrous consequences if you end up with a gas fireplace that’s too big; you’ll have lavished money on something that’s ugly at best, and just won’t fit and can’t be used at worst.

For all their numerous strengths, gas fireplaces aren’t cheap, and so when you’re buying one you want to make sure you’ve got a product that’s easy to install and looks right at home in your home. You’re only sure to get that if you take the time to make the right measurements.

Lesson #2 why check your local codes

Before you get too far into your gas fireplace plans, make sure you check local codes. Gas fireplaces are completely safe as long as you handle them with a degree of care, and an important part of that is making sure the model you’ve chosen lives up to all the accepted safety standards in your area.

It might seem like tedious red tape, but the rules are in place for a reason- to ensure that when people install a gas fireplace, they know they’re getting a great product that isn’t suddenly going to become defective and dangerous. That’s why it’s so valuable to have knowledge of local codes. It guarantees you’ll be installing a safe product in a safe fashion.

Lesson #3 why check for sufficient gas

It might sound simple, but it’s also important to actually make sure you’ve got gas. That’s the thing with gas fireplaces; they do very much need gas to work.

Alongside that, they need an effective form of ventilation such as a chimney. The dangers of allowing gas to simply accumulate in your home should be pretty obvious. Get a professional to check out your gas supply and your ventilation system to make sure they’re both up to scratch.

That way, you can rest assured that you’re getting all the wonderful benefits of a gas fireplace, and no potentially nasty side effects. Here are some key points to get the most out of your gas fireplace conversion lesson:

  • measure twice, install once
  • research, and research some more all your local codes
  • make sure you have proper gas lines
  • ensure proper venting to avoid dangers

Now it’s time to take what you learned and put it to work. Keeping reading for more gas fireplace conversions or schedule your free consultation.

Have you recently converted your wood fireplace to gas? If so what were some of your biggest challenges? What would you do differently? Comment below to share your experience.